


By Matthew Welch,
DPAM: Responsible Investment Specialist


Investor interest in China has surged in recent years. The Chinese government welcomes foreign capital, and the country’s rising middle class, as well as its leadership in emerging technologies such as solar and batteries for BEVs, offer interesting opportunities for investors.

China’s growth potential is undeniable, but recent reforms highlight how challenging it is to invest sustainably in the country. This article details the recent demographic shifts in China and government regulations that strongly impact Chinese companies. As sustainable investors, we also explore the main environmental and social risks to consider when analysing a Chinese company.

We purposely do not draft a clear conclusion to this article, as views on the credibility and success of sustainable investing in Chinese companies may diverge according to the reader and will undoubtedly evolve over time. Navigating the complex national context to invest in China with an ESG angle requires a profound knowledge of the country.


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